Young Lungs

Young Lungs

**SKU**: H129

The Lungs control Qi. By increasing and decreasing the rate and depth of respiration, one can control one’s energy. If the lungs are weak, breathing will be shallow, constricted or otherwise weak and deficient. If the lungs are strong and vital, the breathing is long, quiet and deep and the body fills with energy. The development of respiratory power and control is fundamental to glowing health. Regardless of the amount or quality of the food we consume, it will not energize the body if breathing is insufficient, just as a candle will not burn if there is no air available.

Oriental masters insist that all sickness is connected in one way or another to insufficient breathing. Young Lungs™ supports the vitality of the lungs and lung-related functions. Healthy lungs are moist and clean. A number of important tonic herbs are traditionally used to enhance the health of the lungs, and these herbs naturally moisten the lungs. These herbs are especially useful in dry environments but may be used by anyone except when one is experiencing a medical condition related to the lungs (at that time, consult a physician or licensed herbal expert).

Young Lungs™ contains a full range of Yin tonic herbs that specifically strengthen, nourish and cleanse the Lungs.

100 capsules. Dosage: 3 capsules 2 times per day.